viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

la importancia de una buena presentación personal.

este  articulo esta relacionado sobre la importancia  de la presentación personal, y se enfocara  en las personas  que no tiene el conocimiento de la importancia tan grande que tiene la buena presentación personal.

¿ por que  se debe tener  una buena  presentación personal?

  1. la gente se agradara al verte.
  2. tendrás mas  oportunidades de tener una cita y salir con alguien.
cuando busques trabajo te tendrán mas en cuenta mas en cuenta por que demostraras que eres auto suficiente.

¿pero como puedo tener una buena presentación personal?

  • es muy fácil   ten una buena higiene oral ,lava tus dientes  3 veces al día usa ceda dental y enjuague bucal (este es opcional) unos dientes limpios y aliento fresco siempre hablaran bien de ti.
  • mírate en un espejo siempre que  salgas de casa  para ver como estas vestido o vestida y que debes quitar o ponerle a tu atuendo.
  • maximiza los rasgos que tu creas que son  mas lindos a tu parecer y dalos a relucir recuerda, que si eres mujer el maquillaje es un buen aliado, pero si eres hombre y tienes unas cejas muy espesas y desorganizadas; ve a un salón de belleza donde te las arreglen ¡ ten cuidado de que no queden muy delgadas solo es para darles forma¡
  • si tu vello facial es muy poco y casi translucido por favor no se te ocurra dejarte crecer la barba.  

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015


la  personalidad es lo que cuenta.

la vanidad es solo una ilusión.

este blog es de tendencias moda y actualidad , pero la  verdad lo importante es que te sientas bien contigo mismo  la verdadera belleza esta en tu interior  lo importante es como te sientas la vida no solamente es vestir bien o vestir para impresionar es mas importante como te sientas contigo mismo con los demas y con tu entorno.

This blog is fashion and current trends, but really the important thing is that you feel good about yourself true beauty is inside you what is important is how you feel life is not only dress well or dress to impress is more important as you feel about yourself with others and your environment.

la verdad es que tu vida no debe de estar ligada a lo que esta a la moda o lo que no esta a la moda solo debes amarte  y tener tu personalidad definida.

the truth is that your life should not be linked to what is fashionable and what is not fashionable just have to love you and have your distinct personality. 

vive tu vida en paz con Dios y con el mundo se feliz ríe mucho llora poca vive cada  instante y agradece lo que Dios te da cada día. 

live your life in peace with God and the world laughs a lot cries happy little lives every moment and appreciate what God gives you every day.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

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miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Hallowen fashion trends

Este hallowen esta siempre cargado de disfraces,  extraños y super cheveres  los que mas se destacan son: las personas heridas,  super heroes y super villanos lo minions, las monster hig , malefica, anabel  las veriedades son muchas  las formas y tendencias que podemos seguir para este hallowen .
Me encanta  cuando no ee un disfraz super elaborado es mejor cuando usas tu creatividad maquillate  y lo mas importante  diviertete mucho

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

How to dress for the interview

Go well dressed for the job interview is critical. The picture says a lot about you, so when you present yourself in an interview, keep in mind the image of the company and dress up according to it.

Dressing well is not necessarily always go costume. The trick is to be displayed as is, but trying to convey a professional and reliable image. Below we indicate a few tips on which you should not do.

Generally, conservative colors are better in some shade of blue or gray. Using a black color can be too serious. If you use it, make sure you take another color near your face to soften the image.
It is preferable to use t-shirts that. If the situation requires, wearing a tie.
Do not wear sandals, flip flops or shoes on. It's too casual.
If you are using costume, check that fits you well. Not too loose, not too tight. Try out fashionable costumes.
No fisherman should wear pants or pirates. Neither leg warmers.
If you are female, do not paint your nails with garish colors and bizarre. Keep nails neat and clean.
Avoid unnecessary burden you jewelry: do not use more than two rings per hand or one earring per ear.
If you choose to wear bare legs, wear stockings, but hot. Stockings can be neutral color, or a color that matches your shoes.
Watch ins. Better to use discrete and stylish, which printed bags or too modernist.
Avoid leather jackets (jackets) are too sporting.
Change the appearance of the way you dress in a second interview, changing the color of your blouse, shirt, or tie.
An interview is not the place to show off you're fashionable, but if you dedicate yourself to a career related to art, can be a little more appropriate.
In any case, what you wear should highlight the fact that you are a professional, reliable and confident person, ready to work in a new job. Let your common sense guide you.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

personal care section 
Makeup mistakes 

first thing to do when your makeup is to prepare your face for makeup 
must be totalmete clean and dry should put a moisturizer or moisturizer depending on your skin type whether oily with acne, dry or mixed then this should expect your Soak skin cream do not forget the sunscreen I recommend more 50 pfs as the sun causes great damage to the skin as spots or cancer ready first uses a concealer give one or two lighter than your skin tone when you've already covered your imperfections can apply your base from hanging your skin types I prefer a matte for young skins and lightweight for a more mature skin coverage after this you can either use your compact powder or loose can put a shine on your lips or lip 

here are the most fatal errors. 

flushing or apply too so not for you face shape 

if you want to draw attention to your eyes, do not apply a lipstick or blush too strong or bright 

look your foundation and powder are the same shade as your face because it would seem that you have a mask on. 
do not use too much bronzer and this is only used in the nose forehead and chin 

not over load your face with so much makeup 
and please always desmaquillate before bed I recommend that you wash your face with pure honey
section because it is the most powerful tonic and moisturizer recueroa naturalesa is also antibacterial which is always less ...... more

I love them and take care of yourselves